Our best employees.

Advisory Board
Executive Board
Business Development
Project Management
Large-format Printing
Advertising Technology
Technical Finishing
Technical Production
Digital Experience
Production Planning
[Translate to Englisch:]

Pedro Rüegg

T +41 56 616 67 49

[Translate to Englisch:]

Fabio Gubeila


Hubert Lüscher

Team Leader Project Control | Dipl. Arch. HTL
T +41 56 616 67 48

[Translate to Englisch:]

Recep Yigit

Technical Finishing

Liv Walser

Advertising Technology Apprentice | 2nd apprenticeship year

Arith Fernando Garcia

Technical Production

Pius Kreis

Advertising Technology | Installation

Sinisa Savic

Advertising Technology | Production | Cut

Fredi Hauser

Project Management Digital Experience

Franziska Stutz

T +41 56 616 67 84

Matthias Schneider

Head of Market + Distribution | Member of the Executive Board
T +41 56 616 67 33

Pius Zimmermann

T +41 56 616 67 85

Roger Meier

T +41 56 616 67 88

[Translate to Englisch:]

Natascha Nagel

Advertising Technology | Team Leader Apprentice

Matilde Giordano

T +41 56 616 69 34

Anita Vetsch

Department Head Large-format Printing
T +41 56 616 67 34

Samet Yeniay

Technical Finishing

Timon Küng

Project Management Digital Experience
T +41 56 616 67 46

[Translate to Englisch:]

Phal Huwiler

Technical Finishing

[Translate to Englisch:]

Anita Speck

Advertising Technology | Production | Pre-printing

[Translate to Englisch:]

Erion Kadriu


Amanda Maurer

Project Management «Large Format + Signage»
T +41 56 616 67 58

Jolanda Baumann

Key Account Management
T +41 56 616 67 82

Angela Deplazes

Team Leader «Advertising Technology»
T +41 56 616 67 36

Beyhan Fidan

Advertising Technology | Production | Print

Simona Leimgruber

Key Account Management
T +41 56 616 69 29

Bernd Nüsser

Advertising Technology | Installation

Lara Lüthi

Project Management «Space Design»
T +41 56 616 69 20

Simon Röthlisberger

Production support
T +41 56 616 69 52

Kurt Richner

Technical Finishing

[Translate to Englisch:]

Carina Sachs

Advertising Technology Apprentice | 1st apprenticeship year

Ardiana Hakaj

Team Leader Sewing

Frank Bucheli


Adrian Baumann

Installation Advertising | Team Leader Installation

Myriam Lang


Luc Müller

Advertising Technology Apprentice | 4th apprenticeship year

Peter Ellensohn

Departement Head of Digital Experience
T +41 56 616 67 41

Tanja Nüssli

Team Leader «Space Design» and «Creation»
T +41 56 616 67 73

Kreshnik Berisha


[Translate to Englisch:]

Marco Geisser

Production Planning
T +41 56 616 69 23

[Translate to Englisch:]

Benoît Tourlonias

Installation | Romandie

[Translate to Englisch:]

Tanja Braunbock

Advertising Technology | Installation

Manuel Schuster


Francesco Gullo


Rinaldo Stalder

Head of Production | Member of the Executive Board
T +41 56 616 67 93

Adina Geissmann

Advertising Technology | Installation

Dragutin Jovicic


Andreas Zimmermann


Karsten Kienel


[Translate to Englisch:]

David Ziswiler


Roland Richner

Team Leader IT/ERP

Regina Lötscher

T +41 56 616 67 27

Herbert Voser

Team Leader Printing
T +41 56 616 67 53

[Translate to Englisch:]

Adhurim Latifi

ICT Specialist Apprentice | 3rd apprenticeship year

Steve Chhit

T +41 56 616 67 21

[Translate to Englisch:]

Alena Azzoni

Advertising Technology | Installation

Enzo Massaro


[Translate to Englisch:]

David Koller

Project Management «Space Design»
T +41 56 616 67 86

[Translate to Englisch:]

Pascal Fischer

Installation | Coordination
T +41 56 616 67 39

Raveenthiran Ratnam


[Translate to Englisch:]

Elion Shaqiri


Patrick Chieffo

Key Account Management
T +41 56 616 67 35

Hanspeter Holzer

Technical Finishing

Ismail Avcu


Andrea Jutzeler

Project Management «Advertising Technology»
T +41 56 616 67 26

Lukas Lauwiner

Head of Business Development | Member of the Executive Board
T +41 56 616 67 91

[Translate to Englisch:]

Manuel Rüedi

Project Management «Large Format + Signage»
T +41 56 616 69 86

Aline Achermann

Commercial Clerk Apprentice | 3rd apprenticeship year

[Translate to Englisch:]

Beat Widmer

Technical Finishing

[Translate to Englisch:]

Manuel Peuckert


Michaela Wernle

T +41 56 616 67 74

Michael Wäckerli

Team Leader Installation
T +41 56 616 67 31

[Translate to Englisch:]

Ilaria Schiavone

Advertising Technology | Production | Pre-printing

Hatice Yigit Anac


Gizella Laszlo


Daniel Richner

Technical Finishing

Joel Zimmerli

Key Account Management | Customer Advisor Digital
T +41 79 678 65 12

[Translate to Englisch:]

Hasan Karakoc

Technical Production

Melanie Vogt

T +41 56 616 67 32

[Translate to Englisch:]

Dario Ammann


Raoul Rüegsegger

Team Leader Construction
T +41 56 616 67 43

Marc Grimm

Project Management «Space Design»
T +41 56 616 67 30

[Translate to Englisch:]

Nicolas Buob

Data protection advisor Richnerstutz AG

Marco Gauch

Team Leader Project Management «Large Format + Signage»
T +41 56 616 67 59

Alexandra Suter

Advertising Technology Apprentice | 4th apprenticeship year

Remzi Asani

AV technology | Installation Digital Experience

Alexandra Pantaleo

Team Leader Production Planning
T +41 56 616 67 02

Duli Richner-Garcia


Gregor Seiler

Technical Production

Ronny Nussbaumer

Head of Installation | Member of the Executive Board
T +41 56 616 67 72

[Translate to Englisch:]

Jasmin Reichow

Advertising Technology Apprentice | 1st apprenticeship year

Dennys Pfändler

Advertising Technology | Installation

Aferdita Selmanaj

T +41 56 616 67 24

Flavio Colaci

Project Management «Annual Meeting Davos»
T +41 56 616 69 16

[Translate to Englisch:]

Ghulamreza Mussai


Roberto Martinez Neves


Srdjan Prvulovic

Technical Production

Thomas Walder

Advertising Technology | Installation

Gonçalo Da Silva Garcia


Andrea Stutz

Team Leader Human Resources
T +41 56 616 67 17

[Translate to Englisch:]

Reto Dahinden

Business Engineer
T +41 56 616 69 70

Sibylle Wacker

Human Resources
T +41 56 616 67 09

Louise Iten

Team Leader Pre-printing
T +41 56 616 67 22

Zaharan Sufiyan


[Translate to Englisch:]

Stefan Reutter

Technical Production

[Translate to Englisch:]

Alexandra Bitterli

Project Management «Advertising Technology»
T +41 56 616 69 87

[Translate to Englisch:]

Lukasz Ptak

Technical Production

Alfio Casella

Infrastructure | Electronic Engineer
T +41 56 616 67 92

Barbara Seiler

Technical Finishing

[Translate to Englisch:]

Chiara Lindenmann

T +41 56 616 67 25

[Translate to Englisch:]

Andreas Krois

Advertising Technology | Installation

Doski Abdullah Hussein


Boban Aleksovski


Annigna Hohl

Production Planning
T +41 56 616 69 46

[Translate to Englisch:]

Sabrina Cafaro

Production Planning
T +41 56 616 67 06

[Translate to Englisch:]

Marc Honegger

Department Head Logistics

Toni Abazi

Technical Finishing

[Translate to Englisch:]

Palomina Zürcher

Project Management «Large Format + Signage»
T +41 56 616 67 18

Joêl Richner

Department Head Technical Finishing

Noah Pozar

T +41 56 616 67 63

Melanie Joos

Head of Project Management
T +41 56 616 67 08

Markus Hüppi


Patrizia Amrein

Advertising Technology | Production | Studio
T +41 56 616 67 54

Jan Joos

Specialist planning Installation

Sandra Klaiss

T +41 56 616 67 25

[Translate to Englisch:]

Matthias Ostermünchner

Department Head Technical Production
T +41 56 616 69 05

Lisa Hercher

Project Management «Space Design»
T +41 56 616 69 01

[Translate to Englisch:]

Manuel Christen

Project Management «Advertising Technology»
T +41 56 616 67 51

Ernst Portmann

Project Management | Work Preparation Digital Experience
T +41 56 616 69 18

Chris Mühlemann

T +41 56 616 69 17

Barbara Hochstrasser

T +41 56 616 67 11

Gabriel Castri


Phong Le

Project Management «Annual Meeting Davos»
T +41 56 616 67 56

Katja Richner

Production Planning
T +41 56 616 67 42

Anja Kuhn

Production Planning
T +41 56 616 67 75

Elias Bischoff

T +41 56 616 67 45

Hans Ulrich Siber

Advisor Richnerstutz AG

Robert Haase

Project Management «Large Format + Signage»
T +41 56 616 69 48

André Stutz

Member of the Board of Directors
T +41 56 616 67 16

Corina Palladino

Department Head Advertising Technology | Vocational trainer
T +41 56 616 67 94

[Translate to Englisch:]

Virginia Holder

Project assistance

Sascha Erdin

T +41 56 616 67 28

Severin Imlig

Project Management «Large Format + Signage»
T +41 56 616 67 76

[Translate to Englisch:]

Nicole Schöpf

Project Control
T +41 56 616 69 09

Bojan Stankovic

Key Account Management
T +41 56 616 69 32

Adem Islamovic


Piotr Paluch

Technical Finishing

Ariane Piccinno

Marketing / Communication
T +41 56 616 67 20

Simon Gebhard

T +41 56 616 67 49

Markus Streckeisen

Advisor Richnerstutz AG

Aurel Parpan

Advertising Technology Apprentice | 4th apprenticeship year

Leo Kirschning

Team Leader Technical Production
T +41 56 616 67 79

Rahel Weilenmann

Head of Finance | Member of the Executive Board
T +41 56 616 67 57

Nina Baldinger

Advertising Technology Apprentice | 3rd apprenticeship year

Elvin Shaqiri


Lukas Hiltbrunner

Advertising Technology | Installation

André Richner

Chairman of the Board of Directors
T +41 56 616 67 14

Jean-Marc Knobel

Installation | Coordination
T +41 56 616 67 65

[Translate to Englisch:]

Florim Shefkija

Team Leader Logistics

Halina Frey

System Support Quality Management
T +41 56 616 67 10

Marc Mühlemann

Key Account Management | Marketing | French-speaking Switzerland
T +41 78 232 10 79

[Translate to Englisch:]

Christian Nielsen

Advertising Technology | Installation

Ugur Arslan

Technical Finishing

[Translate to Englisch:]

Christian Zimmermann

Project Management «Large Format + Signage»
T +41 56 616 67 47