More highlights

Spektakuläre Grossformate

Spectacular large formats

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Wegweisende Signaletik

Signage that leads the way

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[Translate to Englisch:] Wirkungsvolle Werbetechnik

Effective advertising technology

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Beeindruckende Raumgestaltung

Impressive space design

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All under one roof.

We design indoor and outdoor advertising and communication activities and are the leader in Switzerland with the largest portfolio of one-stop services. As a general contractor in the fields of large formats, signage, advertising technology and interior design, we offer a complete range of services: planning, production, installation, support and maintenance.

Production and specialised departments


Department Installation

Technical Production

Department Production

Digital Printing, Large-format Printing
Department Production

Cut, Large-format Printing

Department Production

LED workshop, Technical Production
Department Production

Department Production

Advertising Technology
Department Production

Sewing, Large-format Printing
Department Production

Pre-printing, Large-format Printing
Department Production

Department Production

Construction, Project Management
Departement Market + Distribution

Metal workshop, Technical Production
Department Production

Planning, Project Management
Departement Market + Distribution

Creation, Project Management
Departement Market + Distribution

Advertising Technology
Department Production